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HACK'N'PITCH 2020: My First Overnight Hackathon Experience

This article is about the first overnight Hackathon I attended as team Pseudo Automata with members Debdut Goswami , Aniket Mitra , Sayan Kundu and myself .   What is a Hackathon in the first place? An idea makes an entrepreneur, but a smart financial sense builds a successful entrepreneur. 'Hackathon' comprises two words: 'Hack', which means doing clever programming and 'Marathon', which marks an event of endurance. It is a competition where participants try and use technology to hack into real-world problems.                  It is often told to be a 'social coding' event that brings young and bright computer programmers together to contribute to the digital revolution. With risk management, trading, investing, personal finance, Big Data, retail banking, regulatory compliance, mobile payments and enterprise social as some of the heads.         ...
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